I'm trying to configure Camunda automatic resource deployment for a multimodule project. What I want to archive is that for the following project structure:
| pom.xml
| | pom.xml
| +---src
| \---main
| +---java
| | \---com
| | \---camunda
| | \---learnCamunda
| | | LearnCamundaApplication.java
| | \---configuration
| | CustomOracleDialect.java
| | FlywayConfiguration.java
| | H2ConsoleConfiguration.java
| \---resources
| | application.properties
| |
| \---processes
| loanRequest.bpmn
| pom.xml
| \---com
| \---camunda
| \---learnCamunda
| +---dto
| +---dts
| +---entity
| \---enums
where application
and contract management
are modules of learnCamunda
project, I want my application.properties
to provide classpath for Camunda resource scan to pickup both loanRequest.bpmn
. Is that possible via application.properties
in application module? (The application module has dependency on contract-management module)
If it is possible then which camunda property -- should I set it and to what?
I have already tried different combinations of deployment-resource-pattern
but non of them worked.
One thing i noticed is that PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver.findAllClassPathResources
loads all resources from target, my compiled model is in target.classes.processes
and classpath resource from resolver is target.classes
so it seems it's not done recursively, but im having hard time to confirm this
You are correct to be looking at the deployment-resource-pattern
property as the place to start. By default, it will include classpath*:**/*.bpmn
so your file should be loaded.
That suggests the problem is either the value of deployment-resource-pattern
has been changed or the contract-management jar is not on the classpath.
I suggest you try debugging the app to check the value of camunda.deployment-resource-pattern
. Then have a look at the build process and make sure your application depends on contract-management, its the same version and the parent pom is building both of them.