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Using @Client in Spock Test for HTTP Multipart File Upload in Micronaut

I have the following signature for my Micronaut file upload controller (in Java):

public Single<IdType> uploadFile(Publisher<CompletedFileUpload> files)

And I have the following working Spock test (in Groovy):

class UploadSpecification extends Specification implements CsvFileBuilder {

  HttpClient client

  List<String> allowedMimeTypes = List.of("text/csv", "application/")

  void "upload mailings csv with content type #mediaType"() {

    MultipartBody multipartBody = MultipartBody
        .addPart("files", "myfile.csv", new MediaType(mediaType), createCsvAsBytes(buildCsv()))

    HttpResponse response = client.toBlocking()
        .exchange(POST("/v1/mailings", multipartBody).contentType(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_TYPE))

    response.status == HttpStatus.OK

    mediaType << allowedMimeTypes

What I would like to change about the test is: Instead of using the standard HttpClient as injected at the top of the test, I would like to use something like this:

UploadClient uploadClient

@Client(value = "/v1/mailings")
static interface UploadClient {

  HttpResponse postFile(...)

My question is, what signature, does the postFile of the client need? Will I still be able to use MultipartBody but somehow convert it to a CompletedFileUpload? I'm really not sure how to solve this and I'm a beginner when it comes to RxJava.

Any help is appreciated.


  • Please try following:

    @Client(value ="/v1/upload")
    static interface UploadClient {
      @Post(uri = "/mailings", produces = MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA)
      HttpResponse postFile(@Body MultipartBody file)

    Add produces and the body annotation