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connect to Minishift VM from host machine (Windows)

I have created minishift env using comment:

 "minishift start --vm-driver=virtualbox -v5 --show-libmachine-logs --alsologtostderr"

Now I have the console for minishift working.

I have to make some changes to master node config files a


  • To connect to the Minishift VM you can use minishift ssh command which will connect the cmd/Powershell session to the shell on the VM. You can then do whatever changes you want to do using sudo, which is on the VM password-less. However please note that changing the VM directly is not recommended and might cause problems.

    To make the changes to the master node you could also use minishift openshift config command which provides way to alter OpenShift's cluster configuration. In general using this command with combination with oc adm is advised for most users as it should be more secure and robust solution than altering the configs directly in the VM.