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rsyslogd using 100% CPU Utilization on all RHEL EC2 Instances

Since past two days, rsyslogd is using 100% CPU Utilization on all RHEL EC2 Instances in my environment. I Stopped and started rsyslog service but still issue persists. This is first time we are facing this kind of behaviour in multiple servers. There is sufficient disk space/memory exists in all servers. I checked kernel logs (/var/log/kernel) and server messages( /var/log/messages),but not find any useful info.

Following is the OS and Kernal versions of all servers.

Operating System: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.2 (Maipo) Kernel: Linux 3.10.0-1160.42.2.el7.x86_64

Can someone please suggest on this.


  • Issue is due to cert expiry for rsyslog. Observed a lot of connection retry errors in system messages for all clients. Post renewing certs in rsyslog, cpu went down.