In QAbstractItemModel::data(), how can i add some thread safe data
QAbstractItemModel::data() is a 'const' function, so I cannot add my scope mutex lock, but my data must be changed in somewhere, so it must be need a mutex lock, how can I solve this issue?
ps: I have tried connect/emit, but the signal also need 'const' keyword, so do i need use TCP socket??
QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const
QMutexLocker locker(&cacheMutex_);
auto cacheTime = logCache_.find(key_);
From your code snippet I believe you mean to add some synchronization object as derived class member. If so @Tas' comment is already an answer: synchronization objects are not conceptually considered part of your data, so just mark them mutable in your derived class:
mutable QMutex cacheMutex_;
Data member marked mutable can still be modified in a const member function.