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Guice: is it possible to inject modules?

I have a Module that requires some arbitrary Depedency. Is there a way Modules themselves can be injected? I realize this is a bit of a chicken and egg situation...


public class MyModule implements Module {

    private final Dependency d;

    @Inject public MyModule(Dependency d) {
        this.d = d;

    public void configure(Binder b) { }

    @Provides Something provideSomething() {
        return new SomethingImpl(d);

I suppose in this case the solution would be to turn the @Provides method into a full-fledged Provider<Something> class. This is clearly a simplified example; the code I'm dealing with has many such @Provides methods so cutting them each into individual Provider<...> classes and introducing a module to configure them adds a fair amount of clutter - and I thought Guice was all about reducing boilerplate?

Perhaps it's a reflection of my relative noobyness to Guice but I've come across a fair few cases where I've been tempted to do the above. I must be missing something...


  • @Provides methods can take dependencies as parameters just like parameters to an @Inject annotated constructor or method:

    @Provides Something provideSomething(Dependency d) {
       return new Something(d); // or whatever

    This is documented here, though perhaps it could be made to stand out more.