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How to remove volume HUD on Xamarin Forms?

I have made a customrenderer to render a MPVolumeView inside of a xamarin.forms app. Whenever I adjust the volume, I get this big system HUD on screen that is blocking the content on screen. Looks something like this: enter image description here

How do I remove this? This is my custom renderer:

public class AudioOutputViewRenderer : ViewRenderer<AudioOutputView, UIView>
    MPVolumeView view;

    protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<AudioOutputView> e)

        TintColor = UIColor.FromRGB(54, 66, 94);

        if (Control == null)
            view = new MPVolumeView()
                ShowsRouteButton = false,
                ShowsVolumeSlider = true




  • I didnt understand perpose of the AudioOutputViewRenderer

    But to hide the MPVolumeView you need next:

    in your IosProject -> AppDelegate -> method FinishedLaunching add next code

            var volumeView = new MPVolumeView(new CGRect(-1000,0,0,0));// -1000 will hide your view  from user 
            volumeView.ClipsToBounds = true;
            var slider = volumeView.Subviews.First(x => x is UISlider) as UISlider;

    After you can use var slider to change volume like this

            slider.Value = [your vlm];