I am currently struggeling with partial template specialization of a template template (template ) class. I know we can realize the following problem with inheritance but the goal is to use only templates and template specialization.
Let's consider this piece of code:
template< typename T >
struct V4;
template< >
struct V4< float > {
using point_type = std::array< float, 4 >;
template< typename T >
struct V12;
template< >
struct V12< int > {
using point_type = std::array< int, 12 >;
template< typename T, template< typename = T > class IM >
struct Rectangle;
template< template< typename > class IM >
struct Rectangle< float, IM > {
float get( size_t i ) { /*...*/ }
template< typename T, template< typename = T > class IM >
struct Polygon;
template< template< typename > class IM >
struct Polygon< int, IM > {
float get( size_t i ) { /*...*/ }
The classes V2 and V12 can be considered as some kind of a wrapper classes for builtin-types or aggregates. The classes Rectangle and Polygon uses V2 or V12 and are partial specialized. So far so good. We can use this like the following:
Rectangle< float, V4 > a;
std::cout << a.get(1) << "\n";
Now what we want to achieve is a class which encapsulates some calculations on the introduces structs for instance. It should be called like this:
std::cout << CalculateSomething< Rectangle< float, V4 > >::doIt( ) << "\n";
CalculateSomething should be partial specializable regarding to wether it works with an Rectangle or an Polygon. So a possible specialization should look like this:
template< typename T >
struct CalculateCenter< Rectangle< T, V2 >, T > {
static T doIt( ) {
template< typename T >
struct CalculateCenter< Polygon< T, V12 >, T > {
static T doIt( ) {
The question now is: How to declare the template class CalculateCenter?
Thanks in advance
The answer seems rather straightforward:
template < class T >
struct CalculateCenter;
template< typename T >
struct CalculateCenter< Rectangle< T, V2 > > {
static T doIt( ) {
template< typename T >
struct CalculateCenter< Polygon< T, V12 > > {
static T doIt( ) {