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React Native lazy loading 250 images in a Scroll View

I have 250 objects in state, that I'm trying to load in a scroll view with an image for each one. I'm using react-native-lazyload, and it works for about the first 75 images, then the scrolling starts slowing down to a halt, almost at the same spot every time.

Is there a different way I can load these images? It seems like a Flatlist would be a better option than a Scrollview, but I have no function I can call onEndReach


  • I found a really good write-up on improving performance of Flatlists here. I ended up using a Flatlist with these setting:

        renderItem={({ item }) => (
          <View style={styles.results}>
        keyExtractor={item => item.alpha2code}
        ListHeaderComponent={() => this.renderHeader()}
        // Performance settings
        removeClippedSubviews={true} // Unmount components when outside of window 
        initialNumToRender={2} // Reduce initial render amount
        maxToRenderPerBatch={1} // Reduce number in each render batch
        updateCellsBatchingPeriod={100} // Increase time between renders
        windowSize={7} // Reduce the window size

    I can now scroll through my entire list of 250 images at a reasonable pace with no issues. When I start scrolling back up from the bottom, the screen gets a little jerky, but this is the best solution I've gotten to work.