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How to queue based preload images for browser to cache and use in other pages

I have been searching for all available solutions

This is the best so far i could find but it doesn't work as it should be

It works for first few images then stops. Then i refresh page, works for few more images and then stops again.

So basically what i want to achieve is, give like a 100 images to a function, it starts downloading them 1 by 1

So browser caches those images and those images are not downloaded on other pages and instantly displayed

I want this images to be cached on mobile as well

Here my javascript code that i call. Actually i have more than 100 images but didn't put all here

I accept both jquery and raw javascript solutions doesn't matter

   (function() {
    'use strict';

    var preLoader = function(images, options) {
        this.options = {
            pipeline: true,
            auto: true,
            /* onProgress: function(){}, */
            /* onError: function(){}, */
            onComplete: function() {}

        options && typeof options == 'object' && this.setOptions(options);

        this.queue.length && && this.processQueue();

    preLoader.prototype.setOptions = function(options) {
        // shallow copy
        var o = this.options,

        for (key in options) options.hasOwnProperty(key) && (o[key] = options[key]);

        return this;

    preLoader.prototype.addQueue = function(images) {
        // stores a local array, dereferenced from original
        this.queue = images.slice();

        return this;

    preLoader.prototype.reset = function() {
        // reset the arrays
        this.completed = [];
        this.errors = [];

        return this;

    preLoader.prototype.load = function(src, index) {
        console.log("downloading image " + src);
        var image = new Image(),
            self = this,
            o = this.options;

        // set some event handlers
        image.onerror = image.onabort = function() {
            this.onerror = this.onabort = this.onload = null;

            o.onError &&, src);
  , src);
            o.pipeline && self.loadNext(index);

        image.onload = function() {
            this.onerror = this.onabort = this.onload = null;

            // store progress. this === image
            self.completed.push(src); // this.src may differ
  , src, this);
            o.pipeline && self.loadNext(index);

        // actually load
        image.src = src;

        return this;

    preLoader.prototype.loadNext = function(index) {
        // when pipeline loading is enabled, calls next item
        this.queue[index] && this.load(this.queue[index], index);

        return this;

    preLoader.prototype.processQueue = function() {
        // runs through all queued items.
        var i = 0,
            queue = this.queue,
            len = queue.length;

        // process all queue items

        if (!this.options.pipeline)
            for (; i < len; ++i) this.load(queue[i], i);
        else this.load(queue[0], 0);

        return this;

    function checkProgress(src, image) {
        // intermediate checker for queue remaining. not exported.
        // called on preLoader instance as scope
        var args = [],
            o = this.options;

        // call onProgress
        o.onProgress && src &&, src, image, this.completed.length);

        if (this.completed.length + this.errors.length === this.queue.length) {
            this.errors.length && args.push(this.errors);
            o.onComplete.apply(this, args);

        return this;

    if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
        // we have an AMD loader.
        define(function() {
            return preLoader;
    } else {
        this.preLoader = preLoader;

// Usage:
$(window).load(function() {

    new preLoader([



  • Something like this?

    I do not have time to make it pretty.

    const pref = "";
    const defa = "";
    const images=['absorb1','bleeding1','bug_attack1','bug_attack2','bug_boost1','burned1','change_weather_cloud','confused1','copy_all_enemy_moves','copy_last_move_enemy','cringed1','critical1','cure_all_status_problems','dark_attack1','dark_attack2','dark_attack3','dark_boost1','double_effect','dragon_attack1','dragon_attack2','dragon_attack3','dragon_attack4'];
    let cnt = 0;
    function loadIt() {
      if (cnt >= images.length) return;
      $("#imagecontainer > img").eq(cnt).attr("src",pref+images[cnt]+".png"); // preload next
    const $cont  = $("#container");
    const $icont = $("#imagecontainer");
    // setting up test images
    $.each(images,function(_,im) {
      $cont.append('<img src="'+defa+'" id="'+im+'"/>'); // actual images
      $icont.append('<img src="'+defa+'" data-id="'+im+'"/>'); // preload images
    $("#imagecontainer > img").on("load",function() {
      if (this.src.indexOf("imgplaceholder") ==-1)  { // not for the default image
        $("#"+$(this).attr("data-id")).attr("src",this.src); // copy preloaded
        loadIt(); // run for next entry
    loadIt(); // run
    #imagecontainer img { height:20px }
    #container img { height:100px }
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="container"></div>
    <div id="imagecontainer"></div>