I have a table with a column of jsonb objects that look similar, but have different top level keys in each row. Each record looks something like this, but with different top level keys:
"10": {
"key": "value",
"toDelete": "value"
"42": {
"key": "value",
"toDelete": "value"
I need to do an update to remove the toDelete
key/value from each object in each record in every row. It's easy enough to remove each one manually using the #-
operator, but there could be hundreds or even thousands of top level keys in each record, so I need some sort of dynamic solution. I tried aggregating all the paths to delete into an array and removing all of them at once using column #- array
where the array looks like {{10, toDelete},{42,toDelete}...}
but that didn't do the trick.
The structure of the json column is an anti-pattern, I fully agree with the comment by @mvp:
... you should consider extracting your data from json and store it in real SQL table(s) instead.
If you are forced to play with the original data, use the function:
create or replace function remove_nested_object(obj jsonb, key_to_remove text)
returns jsonb language sql immutable as $$
select jsonb_object_agg(key, value- key_to_remove)
from jsonb_each(obj)
update my_table
set json_column = remove_nested_object(json_column, 'toDelete')
where json_column::text like '%"toDelete":%';