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Remove unnamed constraint from PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, I have the following table definition

create table file(
    file_id int generated by default as identity primary key,
    file_name text UNIQUE not null

My question is: how do I remove the unique constraint on file_name?


  • The default naming strategy that Postgres uses is tablename_columnname_key for such a constraint. For CHECK constraints the default name is tablename_columnname_check.

    In your case the name would be file_file_name_key.

    So you can use

    alter table file drop constraint file_file_name_key;

    If you don't want to rely on the default naming strategy, you can use the following query to retrieve the name:

    select constraint_name
    from information_schema.key_column_usage
    where table_name = 'file'
      and table_schema = 'public'
      and column_name = 'file_name';