I want to remove the decimals after a price if it ends on ',00'. If it ends on anything else it should remain. I'll have to be able to see on what the price ends to do so, but how do I achieve this in Javascript?
My idea was checking if the price ended on 00 and removing it in an if statement.
function gformFormatMoney(text, isNumeric){
return text;
var currency = new Currency(gf_global.gf_currency_config);
var unformatted = currency.toMoney(text, isNumeric);
var formatted;
var formatting = unformatted%10;
if(formatting == 00) {
return unformatted;
^This gives a error 'Octal litterals with the prefix 0 are not allowed'
Turns out it wasn't an integer, but a string.
I fixed it by doing:
function gformFormatMoney(text, isNumeric){
return text;
var currency = new Currency(gf_global.gf_currency_config);
var unformatted = currency.toMoney(text, isNumeric);
var formatted = unformatted.replace(',00', '');
return formatted;