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Testing if model is audited without RSpec

I use audited gem to audit all changes on my models. In gem specification ( we can find info how to test it with use of RSpec, i.e:

it { should be_audited }
it { should be_audited.associated_with(:user) }

I would like to do similar tests but without RSpec - any suggestions how to do it?


  • You can check if it respond_to? certain methods that come along with audited gem. like

    # or

    Also you could use auditing_enabled option from the readme.


    This returns in default true when audited is there.

    The same for associated audits. Just build a data structure for you relation and check of the audits are equal your expected results. Take this example from the audited readme for example:

    company = Company.create!(name: "Collective Idea")
    user = company.users.create!(name: "Steve")
    user.update_attribute!(name: "Steve Richert")
    user.audits.last.associated # => #<Company name: "Collective Idea">
    company.associated_audits.last.auditable # => #<User name: "Steve Richert">

    There you can then easily check if the associated audits look like you want it.