I know this question has been asked before here but the answer didn't help me.
This is my controller code:
// there's more stuff importet here
], function (formatter ) {
'use strict';
return BaseController.extend('project.controller.ManualUpload', {
onShowErrors: function() {
//some other stuff happening here
_.forEach(checkValidations, entry => {
var errorMessage = oData[entry].ERROR_MSG;
if(errorMessage) {
var rowSettingsTemplate = new sap.ui.table.RowSettings({ highlight: "{ path: 'odataDetails>ERROR_MSG', formatter: '.formatter.errorStatus' }" });
And this is my formatter with the function errorStatus()
sap.ui.define(function() {
'use strict';
return {
errorStatus: function(errorMessage) {
if (_.isEmpty(errorMessage)) {
return 'None';
} else {
return 'Error';
The formatter is found so this can't be the problem. Also I declared the formatter in the beginning of my controller, so that should be fine, too. Another suggested solution was the function call without parenthesis. I don't do this, so that can't be the problem either.
The error message is:
formatter function .formatter.errorStatus not found
I think the way you have attempted the binding is wrong.
In js view, you can bind as follows:
var rowSettingsTemplate = new sap.ui.table.RowSettings({
highlight: {
path: "odataDetails>ERROR_MSG",
formatter: formatter.errorStatus
Hope this helps.