I have two server-side applications editing the same database.
One server is a feathersjs app and another is a simple nodejs app. A frontend app connects to the feathersjs app via feathersjs client.
How, when the nodejs app edits the database, can I update clients connected to the feathersjs app? As currently any changes made outside the featherjs app aren't reflected on the feathersjs clients.
Can I trigger the patched event somehow and force the clients to pull down the updated data?
if you are using mongodb with WiredTiger storageEngine you can use the collection.watch() function and add a monitor in your feathers app something like this
module.exports = function(app){
//get mongo client
const mongoClient = app.get('mongoClient');
//connect db
mongoClient.then(db => {
//collection to watch
const collection = db.collection('your_collection_name')
//watch collection
const changeStream = collection.watch({ fullDocument: 'updateLookup' });
//on some data changed
changeStream.on('change', data => {
console.log ( 'something is changed in your collection' , data )
//your service.emit
Then I added this simple monitor in the /src/services/index.js
(maybe not the right way but it works)
const monitor = require('./monitor.js');
module.exports = function (app) {
Data returned on every change on the collection
{ _id:
{ _data:
'825C7F03230000001C29295A100490DEF2C65812410FABF0DE46F9C89D7246645F696400645C1AC097B189CBD5D4A24D330004' },
operationType: 'replace',
Timestamp { _bsontype: 'Timestamp', low_: 28, high_: 1551827747 },
{ _id: 5c1ac097b189cbd5d4a24d33,
id: '12',
language: 'it-IT',
category: 'some data',
slug: '',
description: 'some data',
color: 'card',
status: true,
home: true,
order_int: '3',
visual: 'card' },
ns: { db: 'mydb', coll: 'mycollection' },
documentKey: { _id: 5c1ac097b189cbd5d4a24d33 } }
More info here https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/method/db.collection.watch/