Basically i want to have an update content of the web,
In Dow 30, the last value is updating itself(real-time update from server) and i would like to know is there any method to capture the change of values without requesting the website again, so that i can update on my code asynchronously. Since all i found online about being notified on change is based on their own html, but in my case it is external url, so i am asking here to gain some insight
You can add some code into the chrome console and track this value every second to notify you.
let last_value = -1
let class_selector = 'pid-8873-last'
setInterval(function() {
let v = document.getElementsByClassName(class_selector)[0].innerText
if (v != last_value) {
console.log("Value as been updated to " + v)
last_value = v
}, 1000)
> Value as been updated to 25,799.5
> Value as been updated to 25,798.5
But you must have a browser open, and create an ajax request when value is updated. If you don't want any Browser, but be run into a server, you can check PhantomJS
They're some update to do to work with PhantomJS.
by var
var page = require('webpage').create();'', function(status) {
var last_value = -1
setInterval(function() {
var value = page.evaluate(function() {
return document.getElementsByClassName('pid-8873-last')[0].innerText
if (value != last_value) {
console.log("Value as been updated to " + value)
last_value = value
}, 1000)
// phantom.exit()
Then run it from the same directory:
# phantomjs test.js
Value as been updated to 25,799.0