I have a bunch of arity aware lift functions:
const chain = f => xs =>
xs.reduce((acc, x) => acc.concat(f(x)), []);
const of = x => [x];
const add = (x, y) => x + y;
const liftM2 = (chain, of) => f => m1 => m2 =>
chain(x => chain(y => of(f(x, y))) (m2)) (m1);
console.log(liftM2(chain, of) (add) ([2]) ([3])); // [5]
Is it possible to implement a corresponding generic lift function?
const liftM = (chain, of) => f => (...ms) => ...
I guess it is a recursive algorithm, but I cannot wrap my head around it.
Yes, you can do it recursively over ms
, but I guess a fold is more suited:
const lift = (chain, of) => f => (...ms) =>
ms.reduceRight((acc, m) =>
(...xs) => chain(x => acc(...xs, x))(m)
, (...xs) => of(f(...xs))