I just started developing a Presto connector for JSON API. As suggested in many places, I started with the example-http
connector and did few changes and deployed the connector as mentioned in the documentation. Then I got following error when starting the server.
No service providers of type io.prestosql.spi.Plugin
Then I noticed the package name for Plugin interface in my code is com.facebook.presto
and its actually implementing com.facebook.presto.spi.Plugin
Have I downloaded a wrong code/distribution? if then, which one is the right one? if not, why two packages?
I think you're mixing code from two versions. After the Presto Software Foundation was set up (see announcement: https://prweb.com/releases/prweb16070792.htm), Presto moved to its new home under https://github.org/trinodb/trino and https://trino.io, and all the code was repackaged.
If you have existing code under the old version, see this guide for how to migrate it: https://github.com/trinodb/trino/wiki/Migration