I'm trying to make a silent installation through a Windows Batch script with a file parameter, but I'm not being able to do it. I have a file (params.txt) which contains the parameters that should be input during the installation (such as path, choices etc).
Obs.: It may also be by PowerShell.
I have something similar in Linux, which is pretty easy:
.../installer.sh < .../params.txt
But I'm trying in many different ways, with NSIS, MSI. But none of them seens to solve my problem with these parameters. The closest that I've got was
C:\installer.exe /S
indeed its make the installation with the default parameters, but I would like to specify them through my file.
I've made many researches, even here in stackoverflow, but nothing that solves my problem.
Content of my params.txt file:
The installation prompts a few questions, and the file contains the answers that I need to give during the installation.
Also, the installer was generated using NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) .
Thank you in advance.
NSIS supports the /S
and /D=c:\installpath
parameters by default, support for anything else has to be provided by the install author.
Install authors can check for specific parameters and/or a answer file:
!include FileFunc.nsh
!include LogicLib.nsh
; Command-line parameter:
${GetParameters} $0
${GetOptions} $0 "/Something" $1
${IfNot} ${Errors}
; Do Something
; Do something else?
; Answer .INI file:
Var /Global AnswerFile
StrCpy $AnswerFile $ExePath -4
StrCpy $AnswerFile "$AnswerFile.ini"
ReadIniStr $0 $AnswerFile "Options" "OtherPath"
${If} $0 != ""
File "/oname=$0\file.ext" "c:\mysource\fileForOtherPath.ext"