I am running osixia/openldap and osixia/phpldapadmin (volumes mounted) with these commands :
docker run -p 389:389 -p 636:636 --name ldap-service --volume /data/slapd/database:/var/lib/ldap --volume /data/slapd/config:/etc/ldap/slapd.d --hostname ldap-service --detach osixia/openldap:1.2.3 --copy-service --loglevel debug
docker run --name phpldapadmin-service --hostname phpldapadmin-service --link ldap-service:ldap-host --env PHPLDAPADMIN_LDAP_HOSTS=ldap-host --detach osixia/phpldapadmin:0.7.2
On the first run it starts but on restarting the servers with the same command I got the error
- /container/run/startup/slapd failed with status 34
- whereas status 34 refers to LDAP_INVALID_DN_SYNTAX
could not be able to find a solution for this. Any help?
I have solved this problem.
If you look at the document, you will find error 34 stands for invalid DN
When you initialize your ldap server with docker, if startup script did not find your LDAP_BASE_DN
environment variable, it will generate one from LDAP_DOMAIN
, for example, LDAP_DOMAIN="xxx.com"
will lead to LDAP_BASE_DN="dc=xxx,dc=com"
But if you stop your container, and start another one with old volume mounted, startup scirpt will not generate LDAP_BASE_DN
from your LDAP_DOMAIN
, when you look at debug log, you will find it is starting up with an empty DN
. That is exactly why it won't start normally.
So the solution is clear: set LDAP_BASE_DN
every time, if you use a docker-compose file, just add it to your "environment" section.