The current setup I have:
Google Project "Test Project"
VPC "test-vpc01"
Subnet "test-vpc01-sub01"
Subnet Range ""
Private Cluster "test-cluster"
Master address range ""
Master authorized networks ""
Master zone "europe-west2-b"
Subnet "test-vpc01-sub02"
Subnet Range ""
Compute VM "test-vm"
Zone "europe-west2-b"
Internal IP ""
When I try to commit a "kubectl" command I receive the following:
user@test-vm:~/.kube$ kubectl get pods -v 10
I0227 15:17:59.446195 1153 loader.go:359] Config loaded from file /home/tristan_clarke/.kube/config
I0227 15:17:59.447194 1153 loader.go:359] Config loaded from file /home/tristan_clarke/.kube/config
I0227 15:17:59.447982 1153 round_trippers.go:419] curl -k -v -XGET -H "Accept: application/json, */*" -H "User-Agent: kubectl/v1.13.3 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/721bfa7" ''
I0227 15:18:29.450476 1153 round_trippers.go:438] GET in 30002 milliseconds
I0227 15:18:29.450502 1153 round_trippers.go:444] Response Headers:
I0227 15:18:29.450540 1153 cached_discovery.go:113] skipped caching discovery info due to Get dial tcp i/o timeout
Google documentation just informs to ensure the CIDR address is correct. Although, I'm certain that's not the issue wondering if it is possibly firewall rules/routing etc...
You are not able to connect to a private cluster with a private endpoint from outside your vpc.