I have one website which serves listener.js
on the main page. I want to update this javascript file with some extra codes. But browsers (especially chrome) has memory and disk cache. Also HTTP cache of course. I tried something about that state. I tried just F5, the file loaded from memory cache. Then I killed chrome and opened the website again, javascript file loaded from the disk cache. So I have 2 questions;
Http header? Removing temporarily cached file known as cache busting. It is useful because browser doesn't have to download these files again.
If it is causing issues, developers can force browsers to download new files. This is performed by re-naming file but there is a better way
src="js/listener.js" => src="js/listener.js?v=2"
Or hash like this => ?v=c298c7f8233d
which is better than ?v=2
(comment by Tech Guy)
(Credits: 30-seconds)