I have been searching for a while to get a good example for writing Process output & error stream to log file. I use apache-commons exec library to execute my process. Following a code sample to demonstrate that
public static int executeCommand(CommandLine command, Logger log) throws ExecuteException, IOException {
DefaultExecutor executor = new DefaultExecutor();
PumpStreamHandler psh = new PumpStreamHandler();
return executor.execute(command);
Following is the code to achieve this.
class ExecLogHandler extends LogOutputStream {
private Logger log;
public ExecLogHandler(Logger log, Level logLevel) {
this.log = log;
protected void processLine(String line, int logLevel) {
log.log(Level.toLevel(logLevel), line);
This is how we can use the above class.
public static int executeCommand(CommandLine command, Logger log) throws ExecuteException, IOException {
DefaultExecutor executor = new DefaultExecutor();
PumpStreamHandler psh = new PumpStreamHandler(new ExecLogHandler(log, Level.DEBUG), new ExecLogHandler(log, Level.ERROR));
return executor.execute(command);
Using apache-commons exec like this makes code & life (of a programmer) so simple. I was able to discard a huge amount of code that used Runtime.exec to execute commandline commands.