I would like to use the closeness centrality graph algorithm with Neo4jClient a .Net client for neo4j.
The query to use closeness centrality in Cypher is:
CALL algo.closeness.stream('Node', 'LINK')
YIELD nodeId, centrality
RETURN algo.getNodeById(nodeId).id AS node, centrality
ORDER BY centrality DESC
My attempt at a translation to C#:
var clcsCent =
_graphClient.Cypher.Call("algo.closeness.stream('SitePoint', 'SEES')")
.Return((node,centrality)=>new {
Int32 = node.As<Int32>(),
Double = centrality.As<Double>()
is my class for nodes which have SEES
relationships between them.
The exception I get is:
SyntaxException: Unknown procedure output: `node` (line 2, column 7 (offset:
"YIELD node,centrality"
What is the correct C# syntax for this query?
Simple solution - change 'node' for nodeId:
var clcsCent =
_graphClient.Cypher.Call("algo.closeness.stream('SitePoint', 'SEES')")
.Return((nodeId,centrality)=>new {
Int32 = nodeId.As<Int32>(),
Double = centrality.As<Double>()
This returns an IEnumerable where each element is an anonymous type with two properties for the nodeId and its centrality score.
Both Int32 = nodeId.As<Int32>()
and Double = centrality.As<Double>()
look like they should be more concise.
The documentation for closeness centrality gives 'node' as the name of the return type but it seems like it should be nodeId.
A useful resource for these cypher to C# translations is the cypher examples page on the Neo4jClient github pages