Is it possible to pass javascript callback to WebAssembly? Can we trigger an event from WebAssembly and listen to it in javascript?
I found this article from Kevin Hoffman attempting this using rust.
It boils down to using WebAssembly.instantiate(bufferSource, importObject)
optional importObject
. You can read more about this on MDN.
Here is the example for the article
function logit() {
console.log('this was invoked by Rust, written in JS');
let imports = {logit};
.then(r => r.arrayBuffer() )
.then(r => WebAssembly.instantiate(r, { env: imports }))
.then(wasm_module => {
alert(`2 + 1 = ${wasm_module.instance.exports.add_one(2)}`);
extern "C" {
fn logit();
pub extern fn add_one(a: u32) -> u32 {
a + 1
All credit goes to Kevin Hoffman's Article