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Create a maven archetype to generate multiple classes from one class template

I created a custom maven archetype that has a class that contains a property ${propertyName} with its getter and setter.

package ${package};

// Start of user code (import)

// End of user code (import)

 * Block ${BlockName}
public class ${BlockName} extends Block<${BlockName}DTO> {

     * Item  ${itemName}
    private final Item<${itemType}> ${itemName} = new Item.Control<${itemType}>(this, "${itemName}") {


    // Getter and Setter


What I want to achieve when creating a new project from this custom archetype is giving multiple class names (for example: Car, Bicycle ...), and give also multiple properties for each class (for example: Car.door, Car.window, Bicycle.wheel ...), and have as output the classes created from the template as and, but in each class have the ${itemName}, getters and setters replaced with the properties given.


  • You can probably code a groovy script for that and run it post-generation

    Is there a way to post-process project generated from archetype?

    On the other hand: Generating getters/setters is standard IDE functionality (e.g. easily done in Eclipse), so I am not sure whether this is really useful in an archetype.