I have this Angular 7 project using Angular Material. I also used the time type in my input tag (HTML5)
<input type="time">
but I want it to be 24-hr format (not showing the AM/PM options). I've been searching for solutions but none fits for Angular Material projects.
Although the timepicker I'm really looking for is just like the one in HTML5 but without the AM/PM, I used @MoshFeu's suggestion which is the Ngx Material Timepicker
<input matInput class="timepicker" [ngxTimepicker]="pickerTwo" [format]=24 placeholder="End" [(ngModel)]="data.formData.end">
Popup Timepicker: Time can be editable with a static colon in between (not just selecting numbers in the clock). Also has a validation for 24-hr format and can press up or down keys for increment and decrement.
For the CSS, you can change colors by using :host /deep/
in the classes
:host /deep/ .timepicker__header {
background-color: #FF7043 !important;