I am asked to develop a software which should be able to create Flow chart/ Control Flow of the input Java source code. So I started researching on it and arrived at following solutions:
To create flow chart/control flow I have to recognize controlling statements and function calls made in the given source code Now I have two ways of recognizing:
Am I right here? Or I am missing something very fundamental and simple? Which approach would take less time and do the work efficiently? Any other suggestions in this regard will be welcome too. Any other efficient approach would help because the input source code may span multiple files and can be fairly complex.
I am good in .NET languages but this is my first big project in Java. I have basic knowledge of Compiler Design so writing grammars should not be impossible for me.
Sorry If I am being unclear. Please ask for any clarifications.
I'd go with Antlr and use an existing Java grammar: https://github.com/antlr/grammars-v4