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How to run regression for several random subsets of data

I have a big data set and I want to choose randomly subsets (randomly_live) from it and then run a model (logistic regression) in R. So I want to run 100 logistic regressions to count how many times coefficients were with positive sign, haw many times they were significant and show the best model by Hosmer-Lemeshow criteria.

I think it's possible to make it by loop, but I feel really confused with that.

This is a piece of code that I have for one iteration

    randomRows = function(df,n){

    df.split <- split(full_data, full_data$ID)

    df.sample <- lapply(df.split, randomRows, 1) <-"rbind", df.sample)
    randomly_live <- randomRows(, nrow(default))
    data1 <- rbind(default, randomly_live)

    model = glm(default ~ log(assets)+…+H1, data = data1,
                  family = 'binomial')


    hl <- hoslem.test(model$y, fitted(model), g=10)

Can anyone please help?


  • Here is something that could work

    myResults <- list()
    for(i in 1:100){
      model <- glm(vs ~ . , data = mtcars)
      hl <- hoslem.test(model$y, fitted(model), g=10)
      pos <- length(which(coef(model)>0))
      pvals <- summary(model)$coefficients[,4]
      hl_pval <- hl$p.value
      myResults[[i]] <- list(pos = pos, pvals = pvals,hl_pval=hl_pval)
    # lowest pvalue
    which.min(unlist(lapply(myResults, FUN = function(x) x[[3]])))