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Unable to change with of final sprite using Gulp Spritesmith

I'm using Gulp Spritesmith to generate a massive long sprite, to make a scrolling animation effect.

I'm following this tutorial. And in that tutorial there's this sass-function, that iterates through the images:

@for $i from 1 through $frame-count {
  .frame#{$i} {
    background-position: -(($i * $offset-val) * 2) + px 50%;

I was going to do the same thing, only vertically, so:

@for $i from 1 through $frame-count {
  .frame#{$i} {
    background-position: 0px -(($i * $offset-val) * 2) + px;

But regardless of what I do, then my output sprite is using the binary-tree-algorithm to make the sprites.

So if I have 16 images, then the sprite looks like this:

1  2  7  13
3  4  8  14
5  6  9  15
10 11 12 16

And I would like them to be like:


Here's my core Gulp Spritesmith file:

var gulp = require('gulp');

var spritesmith = require('gulp.spritesmith');


gulp.task('sprite', function () {
  var spriteData = gulp.src('images/*.jpg')
    imgName: 'sprite.jpg',
    cssName: 'sprite.css',
    algorithm: 'top-down'

I've fiddled around with these three lines for the past hour:

    imgName: 'sprite.jpg',
    cssName: 'sprite.css',

... and regardless of what I do, - then I can't get the output files to change (at all!). Not even the name, replacing cssName: 'sprite.css', with cssName: 'foobar.css',!

What am I missing?


  • Solution to make the sprint image from top to bottom approach using spritesmith or gulp.spritesmith

    where sprite image has 4 images of tile blockm, like below image and so on

    enter image description here

    Sample code :


    var gulp = require('gulp');
    var spritesmith = require('gulp.spritesmith');
    gulp.task('sprite', function () {
      var spriteData = gulp.src('app/images/*.jpg').pipe(spritesmith({
        imgName: 'doodle-sprite.jpg',
        cssName: 'sprite.scss',
        algorithmOpts: {
          sort: false
        algorithm: 'top-down',
      return spriteData.pipe(gulp.dest('app/images/'));

    my outcome for sprite.scss

    @mixin sprite-width($sprite) {
      width: nth($sprite, 5);
    @mixin sprite-height($sprite) {
      height: nth($sprite, 6);
    @mixin sprite-position($sprite) {
      $sprite-offset-x: nth($sprite, 3);
      $sprite-offset-y: nth($sprite, 4);
      background-position: $sprite-offset-x  $sprite-offset-y;
    @mixin sprite-image($sprite) {
      $sprite-image: nth($sprite, 9);
      background-image: url(#{$sprite-image});
    @mixin sprite($sprite) {
      @include sprite-image($sprite);
      @include sprite-position($sprite);
      @include sprite-width($sprite);
      @include sprite-height($sprite);
    // The `sprites` mixin generates identical output to the CSS template
    //   but can be overridden inside of SCSS
    // @include sprites($spritesheet-sprites);
    @mixin sprites($sprites) {
      @each $sprite in $sprites {
        $sprite-name: nth($sprite, 10);
        .#{$sprite-name} {
          @include sprite($sprite);

    out come image

    enter image description here