I have a question regarding instances of userforms.
When a userform is constructed via an object in a module (e.g. set frm = new Userform2) can I hide it and restore it by the show method even when the sub is run until the end?
Let's say:
I got really strange behavior when testing code with show and hide methods on module level or Userform Code but what I got finally to work is that using a global variable and the following code in a standard module:
Global frm As UserForm2
Option Explicit
Sub sub1()
Set frm = New UserForm2
With frm
.Show vbModeless
End With
End Sub
Sub sub2()
With frm
End With
End Sub
Sub sub3()
With frm
.Show vbModeless
End With
End Sub
It's often said that global variables should be avoided. Is it even possible here? Do I miss something?
What I really want is to hide the userform but keep the instance with all values set before. Here is my original code and I now realized that I mixed things up and made and error. I had an "end" in a condition and this forces the UF not to show resp. killing all instances. @Chronocidal: In fact I hide within code within the UserForm. This is part of a button which transfers set data from UF to sheet. But I think that is not important where to hide or? Now it is working as I expected. Thanks to all of you
Global myfrm As FormFillInformation
Option Explicit
Sub InitUserFormGeneralInformation()
Dim chkfrm As Boolean
chkfrm = CheckFrmIsHidden
If chkfrm = True Then
myfrm.Show vbModeless
End '<<<<<========== completely wrong but overseen
Set myfrm = New FormFillInformation
myfrm.Show vbModeless
End If
End Sub
Function CheckFrmIsHidden() As Boolean
Dim frm As Object
CheckFrmIsHidden = False
For Each frm In VBA.UserForms
If frm.Name = "FormFillInformation" Then
CheckFrmIsHidden = True
End If
End Function