By the way, I asked this question yesterday, but did not get the desired result.
I am trying to set sharing messaging via LinkedIn. I understand that to work your parameters have to be encoded. For example I made the link:
But it works and displays only one parameter correctly, the link:
So I did not give up and tried via the library React-share, but it does not work either. For example I set parameters per the documentation:
So, I need to add the title, description, and some code which will change every time when a user signs up and the desired image.
This is no longer possible. To share rich media on linked in you have to become linked in business partner. After become linked in business partner then you'll have access to linkedIn API and you'll be able to share the desired content. Without becoming linkedIn business partner you can only share URL but not description, images or videos etc. Have a look at this link.