Search code examples

Uncaught TypeError: item.getData is not a function

I want to paste the clipboard content on html page. The content is copied from an ms-word file. Contains text and images. Consider the following code:

<div id="pasteArea" contenteditable="True"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var pasteArea = document.getElementById('pasteArea');
    pasteArea.onpaste = function (event) {
        var items = (event.clipboardData || event.originalEvent.clipboardData).items;
        for (index in items) {
            var item = items[index];
            if(item.kind === 'string'){
                // Getting the error in here!
            else if(item.kind === 'file'){
                // Code for handling images

I tried using event.clipboardData.getData('text'); but it fetches the entire text (i.e. skips the images in between) and also the text formatting is lost.

Any idea on how to handle the above case? Thank you.


  • You're looking for getAsString which requires a callback to process the clipboard.

    const pasteArea = document.getElementById('pasteArea');
    pasteArea.onpaste = event => {
      const { items } = event.clipboardData;
      for (const item of items) processClipboard(item)
    const processClipboard = item => {
      if (item.kind === 'string' && item.type === 'text/plain') {
        item.getAsString(s => console.log(s))
    div { background-color: #ccc; }
    <div id="pasteArea" contenteditable="True">Paste something here</div>