Is there a tool out there to scan my Javascript code for functions that may not be present in all browsers?
My library is completely non-UI, so I don't care about how something is "displayed". What I'm looking for is something like in the Javascript MDN from Mozilla. For example, for Array.prototype.indexOf, they warn that it's a recent ECMAScript addition that is not present in all browsers (and typically provide a stub). What I'm looking for is a tool that'd list the functions in my code that would fall into this category.
You can use eslint-plugin-compat, a plugin for the ESlint linting utility. You can even use Browserlist to configure the browsers you want to support.
Installation is very easy. You'll have to install eslint and this plugin:
npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-compat
yarn add --dev eslint eslint-plugin-compat
And add a ESlint configuration file:
// .eslintrc
"extends": ["plugin:compat/recommended"]
Add the supported browsers to your package.json
// sample configuration (package.json)
// ...
"browserslist": ["last 2 Chrome versions", "IE 11"],
And then run the linter:
eslint yourfile.js
In my case this was the output:
92:9 error Promise.all() is not supported in IE 11 compat/compat
94:9 error Promise.all() is not supported in IE 11 compat/compat