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Spring custom ThreadPoolTaskExecutor is always invoked

I'm trying to copy Spring context to Runnable/Callable tasks for a special case. I want other threads to run as they run before.

I've read this How to enable request scope in async task executor

and implemented a custom ThreadPoolTaskExecutor + decorator.

public class ContextCopyConfig {

    private Integer connectionsLimit=10;

    @Bean(name = "contextExecutor")
    public Executor contextExecutor() {
        ThreadPoolTaskExecutor poolExecutor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
        poolExecutor.setTaskDecorator(new ContextCopyingDecorator());

        return poolExecutor;


I was planning to use this executor as follows:

@Qualifier(value = "contextExecutor")
private Executor contextExecutor;

public void parallelHere() throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
    Collection<Callable<Pair<String, OutputStream>>> tasks = new ArrayList<>(); //some tasks

    //ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(connectionsLimit); 

    List<Future<Pair<String, OutputStream>>> results = ((ThreadPoolTaskExecutor) contextExecutor).getThreadPoolExecutor().invokeAll(tasks);
    ((ThreadPoolTaskExecutor) contextExecutor).getThreadPoolExecutor().shutdown(); //always reclaim resources

However, contextExecutor is always invoked (in any thread!). How can I fix it?


  • This post:

    How to create additional TaskExecutor beside TaskExecutionAutoConfiguration?

    describes the issue. Springboot creates a default Executor only if user did not create a custom one. In SpringBoot 2+ you have to use


    on your custom configuration.

    In previous Spring versions however, no TaskExecutionAutoConfiguration exists and Executor is created by a factory. Using lines below, you can create the exect copy of default executor, created by Spring.

    //see package org.springframework.aop.interceptor.AsyncExecutionInterceptor
    public Executor getDefaultExecutor(){
        //     Executor defaultExecutor = super.getDefaultExecutor(beanFactory);
        //     return (defaultExecutor != null ? defaultExecutor : new SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor());
        return new SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor();