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How to have id(primary key) value in a select update corresponding bound values

In a nutshell I want a select box populated with a domain with the option values being the id/primary key, and when the select is changed, I'd like the corresponding records' bound values updated. You can see bureau_id() here does change but not name or personal_area of the same record. I feel like there is an observable here but I used map() and I can't figure out how to tap into it. In the view model I also thought the id parameter might somehow help with this.

I'm also wondering if there's a better method of using domains to control the editing of items in the data by id and updating domain fields related to that id. The thought was to display a select when a value is clicked and return to the text after a selection is made.

$(function() {
		Root: {
			getters: [
					getter: "bureaus", 
					type: "Bureau"
		Bureau: {
			id: "bureau_id",
			getters: ["bureau_id","name","personal_area"]

	data = {
		bureaus: [
		        "name":"Bureau of Emergency Communications",
				"name":"Office of the City Attorney",


	domains = {
		"bureau":  [  
		    "name":"Bureau of Development Services",
		    "name":"Bureau of Emergency Communications",
		    "name":"Bureau of Emergency Management",
		    "name":"Bureau of Environmental Services",
		    "name":"Bureau of Fire and Police Disability and Retirement Fund",
		    "name":"Bureau of Human Resources",
		    "name":"Bureau of Internal Business Services",
		    "name":"Bureau of Parks and Recreation",
		    "name":"Bureau of Planning and Sustainability",
		    "name":"Bureau of Revenue & Financial Services",
		    "name":"Bureau of Technology Services",
		    "name":"City Budget Office",
		    "name":"Office of City Auditor Mary Hull Caballero",
		    "name":"Office of Commissioner Amanda Fritz",
		    "name":"Office of Commissioner Chloe Eudaly",
		    "name":"Office of Commissioner Dan Saltzman",
		    "name":"Office of Commissioner Nick Fish",
		    "name":"Office of Community & Civic Life",
		    "name":"Office of Equity and Human Rights",
		    "name":"Office of Government Relations",
		    "name":"Office of Management and Finance",
		    "name":"Office of Mayor Ted Wheeler",
		    "name":"Office of the City Attorney",
		    "name":"Police Bureau",
		    "name":"Portland Bureau of Transportation",
		    "name":"Portland Fire & Rescue",
		    "name":"Portland Housing Bureau",
		    "name":"Portland Water Bureau",

	let vm = $;
	$.templates('#root-tmpl').link('#content', vm, domains);
<!doctype html>
		<script src=""></script>
		<script src=""></script>
		<script src=""></script>
		<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
		<script src=""></script>

		<script id="root-tmpl" type="text/x-jsrender">
				{^{for bureaus() tmpl="#bureau-tmpl"}}

		<script id="bureau-tmpl" type="text/x-jsrender">
				{^{>name()}} ({^{>personal_area()}}) {^{>bureau_id()}}

				{^{selectmenu bureau_id() name="bureau_id" class="bureau-select"}}
					{^{for ~bureau}}
						<option data-link="value{:bureau_id}">{^{>name}} ({^{>personal_area}})</option>
		<div id="content"></div>	


  • There are a number of issues with your current version. One is that you are cloning data items from domains.bureau[n] to data.bureaus[n]. If you choose a different drop-down item, then you would need the selected item to somehow get cloned to the data.bureau. It looks like you would also easily get some data integrity issues in a real situation where values could change (i.e. with editing, server data, etc.)

    Anyway, here is a suggested alternative design. data.bureaus is renamed to data.selected, and has only the selected_id which is a lookup to the corresponding bureau_id.

    The domains and current data.selected are all mapped to ViewModel instances. Note the line:

    getSelectedBureau.depends = "selected_id";  

    which ensures that when selected_id changes, the following also updates:

    {^{>selectedBureau()^name()}} ({^{>selectedBureau()^personal_area()}}) ...

    $(function() {
    Root: {
    	getters: [
    		{getter: "selected", type: "SelectedBureau"},
    		{getter: "bureaus", type: "Bureau"}
    SelectedBureau: {
    	getters: ["selected_id"],
    	extend: {
    		selectedBureau: getSelectedBureau,
    		bureaus: function() {
    			return vm.bureaus();
    Bureau: {
    	id: "bureau_id",
    	getters: ["bureau_id","name","personal_area"]
    function getSelectedBureau() { // lookup to find the corresonding bureau VM
    let bureaus = vm.bureaus(),
    	l = bureaus.length;
    while (l--) {
    	if (this.selected_id() === "" + bureaus[l].bureau_id()) {
    		return bureaus[l];
    getSelectedBureau.depends = "selected_id"; // So selectedBureau() updates when selected_id changes
    let data = {
    selected: [
    "bureaus": [
    		"name":"Bureau of Development Services",
    		"name":"Bureau of Emergency Communications",
    		"name":"City Budget Office",
    		"name":"Office of City Auditor Mary Hull Caballero",
    		"name":"Office of the City Attorney",
    let vm = $;
    $.templates('#root-tmpl').link('#content', vm);
    <!doctype html>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script id="root-tmpl" type="text/x-jsrender">
    {^{for selected() tmpl="#bureau-tmpl"/}}
    <script id="bureau-tmpl" type="text/x-jsrender">
    {^{>selectedBureau()^name()}} ({^{>selectedBureau()^personal_area()}}) {^{>selected_id()}}
    {^{selectmenu selected_id() name="bureau_id" class="bureau-select"}}
    	{^{for bureaus()}}
    		<option value="{{:bureau_id()}}">{{>name()}} ({{>personal_area()}})</option>
    <div id="content"></div>	