I can't find how to play an audio file that the user has just selected with an input. I have the following input :
<input type='file' id="audio-input" class="audio-input" name="audio" accept=".mp3, .wav"/>
I would like display the audio file when the user select it so he can play it. It would be something like that :
('#audio-input-0').change( function () {
let audio =
"<audio controls>" +
" <source id='audioFile' type='audio/mpeg'>" +
" Your browser does not support the audio element." +
$('#audioFile').attr('src', $(this).val());
I hope you understand what I'm trying to do, I don't really know how to explain it (maybe that's why I don't find any answers on other topics).
doesn't actually have the file you put into the input
. You need to use its files
Consider reading this MDN article that will demonstrate using files: Using files from web applications and this documentation on URL.createObjectURL()
which you need to use in order to provide your <audio>
with a src
function changeHandler({
}) {
// Make sure we have files to use
if (!target.files.length) return;
// Create a blob that we can use as an src for our audio element
const urlObj = URL.createObjectURL(target.files[0]);
// Create an audio element
const audio = document.createElement("audio");
// Clean up the URL Object after we are done with it
audio.addEventListener("load", () => {
// Append the audio element
// Allow us to control the audio
audio.controls = "true";
// Set the src and start loading the audio from the file
audio.src = urlObj;
.addEventListener("change", changeHandler);
<div><label for="audio-upload">Upload an audio file:</label></div>
<div><input id="audio-upload" type="file" /></div>