How can I remove the if (savedInstanceState != null) in code below and do all with ? and !!
override fun onViewStateRestored(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
if (savedInstanceState != null)
search_bar.visibility =
if (savedInstanceState.getBoolean("showSearchBar", false)) View.VISIBLE else View.GONE
You can use safe access ?.
on savedInstanceState
and compare nullable Boolean to true
val showSearchBar = savedInstanceState?.getBoolean("showSearchBar", false) == true
search_bar.visibility = if (showSearchBar) View.VISIBLE else View.GONE
Note this will hide the search bar even when savedInstanceState
is null, so it's a slightly different behavior than originally, although it seems like desired behavior given that you passed false
as default to getBoolean
By the way, Android KTX has a View.isVisible
extension property that lets you write this as:
search_bar.isVisible =
savedInstanceState?.getBoolean("showSearchBar", false) == true