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ASP.NET Identity UserManager UpdateAsync return null

I would like to update the user profile. For this purpose,I wrote "Change Profile" method in web api.I have a problem with updating user data because "UpdateAsync" returns all the time null.


public async Task<IHttpActionResult> ChangeProfile([FromBody]AccountModel model)
    var userStore = new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(new ApplicationDbContext());
    var manager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(userStore);
    var user = await manager.FindByNameAsync(model.UserName);
    if (user != null)
        var updateUser = new ApplicationUser()
        {   UserName = model.UserName,
            Email = model.Email,
            FirstName = model.FirstName,
            LastName = model.LastName,


        IdentityResult result = await manager.UpdateAsync(updateUser);

        return Ok(result);
        return NotFound();


  public class AccountModel
    public string UserName { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; set; }
    public string Password { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public string LoggedOn { get; set; }
    public string Roles { get; set; }

Any help or suggestion is welcome.


  • Firstly you need go one more step on your debugging.

    In addition, instead of creating a new AplicationUser, you must update the fields of the user that was retrieved from the database.

     if (user != null)
        user.UserName = model.UserName,
        user.Email = model.Email,
        user.FirstName = model.FirstName,
        user.LastName = model.LastName,
     IdentityResult result = await manager.UpdateAsync(updateUser);
     return Ok(result);
