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Javascript/Jquery 3.3 conversion function from non strict to strict and sequential calls

I'm trying to turn an old non-strict function to a version that is compatible with the strict version and with Jquery 3.3

The old function allowed me to recall the various functions also sequentially, obtaining a single final result, something that in the new one I can not reproduce after several attempts.

The old function is:

    var num_modali = 0;

    _modale = function(){

            this.livello_m = num_modali;

            this.percorso = function(){
                return (this.livello_m > 0) ? $('body').find('#modale_' + this.livello_m).find(modale_content) : $('body');

            this.listarecord = function(){
                return lista_record = (this.livello_m > 0) ? '#lista_records_modale' : '#lista_records';

            this._pre = function(){
                return this;

            this._go = function(){
                return this.percorso();

            this._getlivello = function(){
                var livello = (this.livello_m > 0) ? this.livello_m : 0;
                return livello;

            this._chiudi = function(where){
                return this;

            this._delete = function(what){
                return this;

            if(this instanceof _modale){
                return this;
                return new _modale();


with this I could also call in this way: _modale()._pre()._pre()._go();

The global variable num_modali is used by a second function that deals with managing the modal

The new function:

var _modale = {
    livello_m: num_modali,

    percorso: function(){
        return (this.livello_m > 0) ? 'body #modale_' + this.livello_m + ' .modale_content' : 'body';
    listaRecord: function(){
        return (num_modali > 0) ? '#lista_records_modale' : '#lista_records';
    pre: function(){
        return this.livello_m - 1;
    go: function(){
        return this.percorso();
    getlivello: function(){
        return (this.livello_m > 0) ? this.livello_m : 0;
    chiudi: function(){
        //return this;
    _delete: function(what){

If I try to execute the same sequential call: _modale.pre().pre().go(); return _modale.pre(...).pre is not a function

How can I change the function according to strict directives and get the same operation?


  • You need to return this in your function for it to be chainable :

    pre: function(){
      return this; // Here