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How can I define multiple agents in declarative jenkinsfile?

In my Jenkinsfile I want a particular stage to run on both the agents in parallel.for example:

  agent {
    label "dev6" && "dev7"
  steps {

I have two slaves with label dev6 and dev7. I want xyz() to start on both the agents dev6 and dev7 at same time parallely. What is the correct way to do it? Do i need parallel block ? from the above code it just starts the functions on one of dev6 or dev7. I tried with

label "dev6 || dev7"

label "dev6 && dev7"  

but it doenst work. Can someone help??



  • You need parallel on level of stages, the reason for that is actually you want this to run twice on separate agents. Unless I misunderstood you.

    pipeline {
        agent none
        stages {
            stage('Test') {
                parallel {
                    stage('Test On dev6') {
                        agent {
                            label "dev6"
                        steps {
                    stage('Test On dev7') {
                        agent {
                            label "dev7"
                        steps {