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Rename text (change space per point) in input with javascript

look this: i chargue this file.. and it shows like this shows like this shows like this2

and i need to rename it like that: rename it well

I would like to automatically rename spaces by periods, and delete other characters like [,()!;'\[\]}{=]

I honestly do not have a script, because I do not know how to do it, I had one but it was a disaster haha; I broke all the html :/ I just need to modify the text in input. script in javascript or jquery I clarify that the texts are always different

I leave you a jsfiddle

I hope you can help me, regards


  • I am unsure when you want to modify the value, but this will update the value for you:

    // Get a reference to the element in question
    let renameThese = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("input[name^='rename']"));
    // Loop through all the elements to be renamed =>
      // Replace the spaces with periods and remove all the other characters.
      el.value = el.value.replace(/\ /g, '.').replace(/[\[\]\{\}\(\)\;\!\;\'\=]/g, ''));
    <table id="list-files" class="table table-striped table-condensed table-hover">
          <th width="35">
            <div class="checkbox-custom checkbox-default">
              <input type="checkbox" id="select-all-files" checked="">
              <label for="select-all-files"></label>
            <div class="checkbox-custom checkbox-default"><input name="files[]" checked="" type="checkbox" value="2"><label></label></div>
          <td class="pt-none pb-none">
              <div class="pull-left mt-xs mr-xs">PDF Shaper Professional v8.9 (2-click run) / </div>
              <div style="overflow:hidden"><input class="form-control input-sm m-none" style="background-color: transparent" type="text" name="rename[2]" value="PDF S[]{}haper Professional v8.9 (2-click run).exe"></div>
          <td>17.2 MiB</td>
            <div class="checkbox-custom checkbox-default"><input name="files[]" checked="" type="checkbox" value="2"><label></label></div>
          <td class="pt-none pb-none">
              <div class="pull-left mt-xs mr-xs">PDF Shaper Professional v8.9 (2-click run) / </div>
              <div style="overflow:hidden"><input class="form-control input-sm m-none" style="background-color: transparent" type="text" name="rename[2]" value="PDF S[]{}haper Professional v8.9 (2-click run).exe"></div>
          <td>17.2 MiB</td>

    Note: If you leave a comment when you would like to update the value, leave a comment and will update, else, here you go.