I'm trying to edit a sheet and use vlookup
to get a text from another tab but I'm getting an #N/A error.
What I would like to achieve is to get "March 1st" of the notes tab to G65 of the contacts tab. However, the data in the notes tab from columns A to I is a query from the contacts tab while the "type your notes here" column is not.
referencing a reference which gets referenced kinda creates a paradox so this route is not possible. therefore try:
{query(Contacts!A7:I,"Select B Where F is not null order by F"),
query('Notes (View Only)'!J3:J, "where J is not null")}, 2, 0)))
1st column of 2nd VLOOKUP
argument must contain the same stuff that 1st argument of VLOOKUP
in your case it's not so you will need to switch them...
=VLOOKUP(B65, {'Notes (View Only)'!B3:B9, 'Notes (View Only)'!A3:J9}, 1, 0)
and if you want also the 9th column use:
=VLOOKUP(B65, {'Notes (View Only)'!B3:B9, 'Notes (View Only)'!A3:J9}, {1, 10}, 0)
or maybe you just need:
=VLOOKUP(B65, 'Notes (View Only)'!B3:J9, 9, 0)