I have Android Application which are supprting multilanguage (Russian & Latvian), no questions to this.
Problem is, that my backend is on CI and I have some definied Strings (mostly technical), example (Russian):
define('ALL_CAT',"Все категории");
define('NO_DATA',"Ничего нет.");
And if Application is in Latvian, then I will in any case see this Russian strings.
Is it possible somehow translate Backend CI Api Strings?
(Or, move all API string to client and show them from client - if this possible, idk)
PS: Also I have no saved Language on client side. It means if User open Application and select Latvian, use Application on Latvian, but when application closed/reopened user must select Latvian again ;-)
Thank you in advance,
Yes. The solution is to send a placeholder instead of russian.
Then, whenever your client encounters a placeholder string:
String recieved = getStringFromServer();
if(recieved.indexOf("placeholder") == 0){
recieved == //rusian or latvian.
You translate that placeholder string with a lookup table. You can define that lookup table in a file in your app, or in a database on a server somewhere.