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Apply styles to specific v-for element

I'm making a simple todo list app, and wondering on how to apply styles on only specific dynamic v-for elements.

<f7-list-item v-for="(listItem, index) in activeList.listItems" :key="index" :class="(checked) ? 'checked':'not-checked'">
 {{ index+1 }}. {{ listItem }}
  <span @click="checkTaskDone(index)">
    <i class="f7-icons" id="check-task-btn">check_round</i>
export default {
 data() {
  return {
   checked: false
 methods: {
  checkTaskDone(item) {
   if (this.checked == false) {
    this.checked = true;
   } else if (this.checked == true) {
    this.checked = false;
.checked {
 text-decoration: line-through;
 color: #444;

With this code it adds the class to every single v-for list element regardless of which one is clicked, as expected. I'm wondering what's the best approach to deal with this. I've experimented with making a prop from the index and trying to target that to apply the styles but I couldn't make it work.

Thanks in advance!


  • Typically you want to have a "done" or "checked" flag on the individual to-do items, something like:

    const todoList = [
        name: 'Grab some food',
        done: false
        name: 'Start coding',
        done: false

    And in Vue.js, you could do the class toggling with v-bind:class rather than ternary operator:

    export default {
      data() {
        return {
          //checked: false,
          activeList: {
            listItems: [
                name: 'Grab some food',
                done: false
                name: 'Start coding',
                done: false
      methods: {
        checkTaskDone(item) {
          //if (this.checked == false) {
          //  this.checked = true;
          //else if (this.checked == true) {
          //  this.checked = false;
          // Check/uncheck
          item.done = !item.done;
      v-for="(listItem, index) in activeList.listItems" 
      :class="{ 'checked': listItem.done }">
     {{ index + 1 }}. {{ listItem }}
      <span @click="checkTaskDone(listItem)">
        <i class="f7-icons" :id="`check-task-btn${index}`">check_round</i>

    BTW, I'm appending an index on the individual i.f7-icons elements because ID should be unique, otherwise please use class instead.