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What is the Rest Assured proper JsonPath get() format for selecting the value of a field within an array of JSON objects

I am using rest assured to make an API post call and getting a response back in the body. I then need to take this response and select specific field values and store them as strings to be compared later against other string objects. I wrote jsonpath just fine to get the top level field values (like id, status, type, country, etc.) but when i have to get inside one of the objects within the json array that is returned I cant get the format correctly for the get() method.

Here is an example of the Json that is returned:

  "id": "ABC123",
  "status": "NEW",
  "type": "PERSONAL",
  "country": "United States",
  "totalBalances": {},
  "availableBalances": {},
  "fields": [
      "fieldType": "mobilephone",
      "value": "14216904425",
      "fieldId": "personalMobileNumber"
      "fieldType": "email",
      "value": "",
      "fieldId": "personalEmail"
      "fieldType": "STRING",
      "value": "John Doe",
      "fieldId": "individualName"

Here is the json path I was trying to get formatted to fit into the get() method but i get an Illegal Argument exception everytime (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid JSON expression) i try to make it work. Basically I need to identify the right object in the array and grab the proper field value. In this case that is the fieldId field and i want the field "value" value (John Doe) so that I can save that to a String object:

JsonPath pathToAccountName = response.jsonPath();
String accountName = pathToAccountName.get("fields[?(@.fieldId=='individualName')].value")

I used for the getting the VALID json path:


But I tried everything to convert it into something the get() method will accept and no luck. Scouring all the the posts here and the rest assured technical docs hasnt helped either.


  • Rest Assured uses Groovy's Gpath. So your query could look like this:

    JsonPath pathToAccountName = response.jsonPath();
    String value = jsonPath.getString("fields.find { it.fieldId == 'individualName' }.value");

    Here you can find some examples (it's about processing XML, but also applicable to JSON):