1st line A(x1, y1) is starting point and B(x2,y2) is end point
2st line A(x2,y2) is starting point and B(x2,y2) is end point
I need a function which can return the point where these 2 lines will intersect.
Here's a good read: How to check if two given line segments intersect
and here's a way to do it using JavaScript:
var Point = function(valA, valB) {
this.x = valA;
this.y = valB;
function lineIntersection(pointA, pointB, pointC, pointD) {
var z1 = (pointA.x - pointB.x);
var z2 = (pointC.x - pointD.x);
var z3 = (pointA.y - pointB.y);
var z4 = (pointC.y - pointD.y);
var dist = z1 * z4 - z3 * z2;
if (dist == 0) {
return null;
var tempA = (pointA.x * pointB.y - pointA.y * pointB.x);
var tempB = (pointC.x * pointD.y - pointC.y * pointD.x);
var xCoor = (tempA * z2 - z1 * tempB) / dist;
var yCoor = (tempA * z4 - z3 * tempB) / dist;
if (xCoor < Math.min(pointA.x, pointB.x) || xCoor > Math.max(pointA.x, pointB.x) ||
xCoor < Math.min(pointC.x, pointD.x) || xCoor > Math.max(pointC.x, pointD.x)) {
return null;
if (yCoor < Math.min(pointA.y, pointB.y) || yCoor > Math.max(pointA.y, pointB.y) ||
yCoor < Math.min(pointC.y, pointD.y) || yCoor > Math.max(pointC.y, pointD.y)) {
return null;
return new Point(xCoor, yCoor);
console.log(lineIntersection(new Point(40, 0), new Point(180, 140), new Point(60, 120), new Point(180, 40)));