Search code examples

NEST elastic sort by filtered nested documents

I'm having a hard time in translating elastic query to c# Nest equivalent.

here is my elastic query

        "" :{
            "order" : "desc",
            "nested" : {
                "path" : "tags",
                "filter" : {
                    "term" : {"" : 1}


When I try this with C# Nest 6.2.0

        .Sort(s => s
            .Descending(sdf => sdf.Tags.First().Date)
            .Field(ff => ff
                .Nested(nstd => nstd
                    .Path(nsp => nsp.Tags)
                    .Filter(f2 => f2
                        .Term(sft => sft
                            .Field(a1 => a1

it produces


how can I mace it to apply filter on nested documents? What I'm I missing here?


  • The sort order and target field for the nested sort need to be inside the nested sort call. For example, given the following model

    public class Person 
        public IEnumerable<Tag> Tags {get;set;}
    public class Tag 
        public int Id {get;set;}    
        public DateTime Date {get;set;}

    This would look like

    var client = new ElasticClient(settings);
    var searchResponse = client.Search<Person>(s => s
        .Sort(so => so
            .Field(f => f
                .Field(ff => ff.Tags.First().Date)
                .Nested(n => n
                    .Path(p => p.Tags)
                    .Filter(fi => fi
                        .Term(sft => sft
                            .Field(ff => ff.Tags.First().Id)

    which yields

      "from": 0,
      "size": 15,
      "sort": [
          "": {
            "nested": {
              "filter": {
                "term": {
                  "": {
                    "value": 1
              "path": "tags"
            "order": "desc"