I have following javascript class and writing unit test using mocha and sinon. When I run test case I see uncovered lines for 'return this._agentId;' and 'this._agentId = value;'.I am not sure how to cover these lines under test.I am using Istanbul test coverage tool to see coverage.
// Agentmessage.js
class AgentMessage {
constructor(agentId, message) {
this._agentId = agentId;
this._message = message;
get agentId() {
return this._agentId;
set agentId(value) {
this._agentId = value;
module.exports = AgentMessage;
// Agentmessage.test.js
'use strict';
const chai=require('chai');
const sinon=require('sinon');
var chaiAsPromised=require('chai-as-promised');
const expect = chai.expect;
const agentMessage = require('../src/model/agentMessage');
describe('agentMessage test',function() {
let sandbox;
let agentMessageObj;
beforeEach(() => {
agentMessageObj = new agentMessage('agentId', 'message');
afterEach(() => {
it('agentMessage set agentId Test',() => {
agentMessageObj.agentId = 'agentId';
it('agentMessage get agentId Test',() => {
I am not seeing the same issue you are. I get 100% coverage.
You say istanbul but you are in fact using the nyc package correct? I think you'll find that the instanbul project suggests you use the nyc runner if you are not already.
Consider refreshing your environment if you are able.
rm -rf .nyc_output && rm -rf coverage && rm -rf node_modules
npm i --save-dev nyc mocha chai
If that does not clear things up, consider removing things, temporarily at least, that you are not using in these particular tests. sinon and chai-as-promised for example. Isolate the code. See if there are some conflicts there.
Try this similar code. I get full coverage.
./node_modules/.bin/nyc --reporter html ./node_modules/.bin/mocha test.js
const { expect } = require('chai')
const AgentMessage = require('./index');
describe('agentMessage test', function () {
let agentMessage;
beforeEach(function () {
agentMessage = new AgentMessage('agentId01', 'message02');
it('agentMessage set agentId Test', async function () {
agentMessage.agentId = 'agentId02';
If after all of that, if it is still a problem, if you're using a more advanced configuration of nyc/istanbul, start stripping away that configuration and using default properties. See if you find the sweet/troubled part.